Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Rotary Presentation!

Today I gave my first presentation to my Rotary Club! There were a lot of problems with the projector and my computer (read: my computer didn't have the right plug in to hook up to the projector) so Cerena had to run home (literally, and in high heels) to grab her computer which also ended up not working because the projector could not read her computer.

Despite the technical difficulties, I gave my presentation anyway- with Cerena as my lovely assistant, holding my computer for all to see :)

Overall, I'd say it went rather well! They laughed at a few of my jokes... as well as a few of my non-jokes o.ô And I even managed to get them to sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" - my "finishing move" if you will ;)

THAT was quite a site to see!

Some were very eager to get started and began clapping before I had a chance to say "Let's try it!". It was really fun and amusing! I'm sure for them singing the song was a bit difficult since it was in English and I couldn't project the words on the screen like I had originally planned, but they clapped and sang none-the-less, and it was awesome! I only WISH the video function on my camera had worked :( I made Cerena try to take a video of the process so I could show all of you my club singing "Deep in the Heart of Texas", but for some reason it didn't work. I'm pretty bummed out about that but what can ya do? I'll just have to make them do it again :)

I was told after my presentation that that was the first time the club was made to sing- to which I replied, "Good" :D

I think overall they thoroughly enjoyed it. One member even sang a bit of the song while I was leaving (haha), and plenty asked Cerena if she had a song to teach the group as well.

I wonder what else I can get my Rotary Club to sing? :P


[image: Exchanging the club banner as well as exchanging a horse-shoe (my gift to the club. For those who are not from Texas- the horse shoe is a symbol of good luck. You hang it above your door, like so -> U . The good luck is supposed to "fill" the U part of the shoe and will never run out :) I was told that it was the most..."interesting" gift the club has ever received :P ) From left to right: Denis Maillat- my host counselor, Leon du Pasquier- Cerena's host counselor, Me, and Brian Walters- the substitute President for todays meeting]

[image: Cerena exchanging club banners with the Rotary Club of Neuchâtel]

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sapin Rotarien 2008!

Last Thursday, December 4, was the Sapin Rotarien (Christmas tree lighting ceremony!)! A giant fund raiser that is held to raise money for various organizations around Neuchâtel that are dedicated to helping others.

This years beneficiaries were:

RECIF: Rencontres, Echanges, Centre Interculturel pour Femmes- an organization that focuses on helping foreign women who have recently immigrated to Switzerland. They have various services such as language training, child care (or babysitting), and job searches. I met the co-founders of the organization at a Rotary meeting a few weeks ago and gave them my contact information for future volunteer work.

Les Chatons: I'm not exactly sure what this organization does (horray for learning a new language!) but I'm under the impression that it is a child service agency. Now... what that means I'm not entirely sure. I'm under the impression that it's some sort of program where kids are helping kids. I of course could be completely wrong o.o

Les Perce-Neige: a workshop for those who are handicapped in Neuchâtel. Once again, I'm not quite clear on the specifics... but the general idea sounds great!

For the Sapin Rotarien, yours truly was in charge of selling the chocolates and cookies :)

And yes, the chocolates DO say "Rotary International" and yes they WERE made by a Rotarian (having a Rotarian who owns a popular chocolatier has its benefits- are you taking notes District 5890?)!

Not the smartest area to have me work, but who am I to complain? :D I could have been serving hot wine :)

Oh man... the WINE. Serving hot wine is really a thing here during the Christmas Holidays. In the German speaking parts of Switzerland Glüewine (pronounced: Glue-Vine) is the thing to drink while you're out shopping at the Christmas Markets. In the French speaking part of Switzerland they serve basically the same thing, but I think they add more sugar to their hot wine o.o So if the funky Jazz music, raclette (a cheese dish), and chocolate won't get you hyped up for the party- the sugary wine will most certainly do the job! A word to the wise though- I would not recommend drinking more than 2 cups. You'll more than likely end up with a headache.

[image: Drinking on the job Taking a break from selling goodies to enjoy a hot glass of sugar and wine]

Overall, I would say the fund raiser was a success! I have not heard how much money was raised yet, but I'm sure I'll hear something at the Rotary meeting this Tuesday right before I give my presentation :)

Seasons Greetings!