Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the beginning...

there was darkness.

But after that (much much later I might add- in a well lit time) I came along. I wont go into the finer details of the last 22 years of my life- but you WILL hear about the last 21 months (or at least parts of it) as well as the next few years.

Aren't you lucky?! :D

Before I go into great detail about how I came to be in the position I'm in now there are a few things you need to know.

1). My name is Alexis but I go by Alex.
2). I know French... euh... plutôt.
3). I love to travel.
4). I love to help people.
5). I can't cook.
Correction: I'm too lazy to cook.
6). I like dumpster diving.
7). I like to laugh as well as make other people laugh.
8). In 2 months I'll be in Switzerland thanks to Rotary International

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