Thursday, August 7, 2008

Less than 24 hours...

I can't believe it's almost time for me to go. All of this feels so surreal and I'm almost embarrassed to say that I'm not ready yet (despite the fact that I've had over a year to prepare for this trip). I don't think I'll ever feel entirely ready for anything in my life though :) I function best when I dive headfirst into a situation anyway.

I feel excited and nervous. It really hit me today when I was looking up different ways to travel from Geneva to Lausanne and then from Lausanne to Planète Bleue that I would be leaving in 24 hours. For the next month I will be in Lausanne while I attend the Institut Richelieu for my language training. I'm really excited about this because I KNOW I need to brush up on my French. I remember telling a classmate, who is fluent in French, that I had forgotten the language. He insisted that it was not forgotten but only dormant. I have a feeling once I'm around it all of the time I'll pick it back up with no problems.

I guess we'll see. Here's to the start of a great adventure!

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