In the spirit of me leaving in 48 hours, I have decided to compose a list of necessary things that need to be done before one leaves the country for an extended period of time.
What you need to do first1. Get a passport. This is essential if you plan on leaving home... and then eventually returning home. The earlier you do this, the better.
2. Apply to your first choice University as well as some back ups.
3. Upon acceptance to your university, APPLY FOR A VISA! Don't be like me and wait a few weeks after you receive your acceptance letter. If you do decide to take the path I took, you'll find yourself receiving your visa 2 weeks before you're scheduled to leave. Just be ready to freak out.
4. If you're going to a country that does not speak your native language, make sure you take the Berlitz language exam. Your score will determine if you need a month long language training course.
5. Buy an airline ticket according to the Rotary Rules and Regulations.
6. ATTEND ASETS! You will learn a tremendous amount about Rotary and what you are required to do as a scholar. ASETS (Ambassadorial Scholar-Elect Training Seminar) will guide you way better than this journal probably ever will.
7. Return all required paperwork to your scholarship coordinator (copy of passport, visa, airline itinerary, language exam results, signed documents etc).
Other things you should do before you leave
1. Get a job and save as much money as possible. You never know when you might need some emergency money while you're abroad.
2. Go to the doctor and find out about shots, physicals etc. Don't forget about medications.
3. Go to the dentist!!! If you're like me and haven't been to the dentist in 4 years, you probably have some cavities (I don't care how well you brush!). 8 fillings and 4 pulled wisdom teeth later, I was glad I made the appointment. Still don't want to go? Let me put it this way, having to have a root canal in a 3rd world country cannot be pleasant.
4. Get new eyes. You want to be able to see your new experiences, right? :D
5. Visit your sponsor Rotary Club! :D I know this may be difficult if you're not in the same city (or state for that matter), but at least visit them once before you leave (be sure to ask ahead for club banners to take with you as well as District pins).
6. Contact your host Rotary club and keep in touch with them. This could make all the difference when you arrive in your host city. It could mean someone greeting you at the airport/train station/bus stop vs. having to figure it out for yourself with 3 bags weighing 50 lbs.
7. If you are arriving in a city you will not be studying in, be sure to check out what the city has to offer in terms of public transportation. Will you have to take a bus to your host city? Do you know how to get to the train station?
8. Have business cards made.

9. Make a contact sheet. Add emergency contacts, Rotarian addresses and phone numbers, other Rotary Scholars addresses and phone numbers, friends, family etc. Try to have a hard copy of this somewhere (like in a planner).
10. Invest in a camera or have someone else invest in a camera for you :)
11. Download
Skype. Skype is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. You can make free calls from your computer to other skype users who have it on their computer. Even if someone doesn't have skype, it's still pretty cheap to make a phone call to them. Oh yeah, the download is free too :)
12. Start a journal. Even if you only write a few sentences a day, you'll be glad you did when you look back on your trip.
**!!EDIT!!!** Look up residence permit information for your country. As a precaution, you should ask your consulate about this information. Ask them what you will need, and how long you have to obtain a permit once you arrive in your host country. Some documents I needed were: passport photos, my acceptance letter from my university, and my passport. It also helped to show my Rotary Letter of Financial Guarantee (this was sent to me via e-mail).
Welp, I guess that is all I can think of for now. If you would like to add anything to the list let me know and I'll be glad to post it. I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of stuff.