Monday, August 25, 2008

A visit to Neuchâtel!

Today I had the pleasure to meet not one, but TWO Rotarians! I had been in contact with Monsieur Maillat, a retired professor from the Université de Neuchâtel (and of course a Rotarian :) ), for the past few weeks and we decided to meet in Neuchâtel this afternoon.

When we greeted each other we did the common Swiss greeting of 3 kisses on the cheeks (faire la bise). This is done by touching your left cheek to the other persons left cheek, then switching sides (right cheek to right cheek) and then switching back again to the left. I found this interesting because in France, if I remember correctly, it's only done twice. (I think it's interesting to see the subtle cultural differences between French speakers from different regions.) I also found it interesting that people do not hesitate to "faire la bise" when meeting someone for the first time. I originally thought that when two people meet for the first time they shook hands and then every meeting after would be the kisses- but apparently I'm wrong :) There are of course exceptions- I don't want you to think that all the Swiss do is kiss each other all day, no matter how entertaining that would be to see.

After leaving the train station, we went to a restaurant and sat outside on the terrace that overlooked Neuchâtel. The view was amazing. While there, M. Maillat pointed out the different areas of town and told me a little bit about the University.

Afterwards, we decided to tour the l'Université de Neuchâtel campus and even ran into a few professors who knew Prof. Maillat. While walking around campus, M. Maillat showed me the building where Rotary meets every Tuesday. It is a HUGE building- very classy (pictures will come at a later post). He told me that there were 100 members in his club alone (not TOO intimidating, right? :P) and that it was one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in the area. I've very excited about attending my first Rotary meeting!

After viewing the building, we decided to head towards the center of town. On our way there, M. Maillat asked if I had a Swiss Bank account yet and I said no. Lucky for me though, I had my passport with me (okay, so I sorta was hoping this would happen) and within minutes we were inside the BCN (Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise) opening an account! I can now say that I have a Swiss Bank Account- How cool is that? :D

After opening the account, M. Maillat took me to the greatest place on earth. Remember that chocolate shop I wrote about in a previous post? That's right. We went there and it IS in fact owned by a Rotarian (one I was in contact with before I met M. Maillat)! The place smelled heavenly. You could almost taste the different flavors of chocolate roasting in the air.

After a few minutes, M. Walder came out from the back to greet us. His personality is just as vibrant as his chocolate :) Both men are very good-natured and have a wonderful sense of humor. Naturally, it made me think of the Rotarians back home and how helpful and great they are. It was a neat feeling to see the similarities between the two groups.

Before leaving the shop, I was given a parting gift:

CHOCOLATE!!! The Walder's were kind enough to give me two different kinds of chocolate (milk chocolate and dark chocolate. I am currently munching on the milk chocolate :D It is by far the best I have had in Switzerland - and I'm not just saying that. The outside has a bit of a form to it while the inside just melts away in your mouth. It's taking a lot of self control for me right now to NOT eat the bar in its entirety. I felt like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when he opened his Wonka Bar and found the golden ticket. Only I bet my chocolate is WAY better).

After saying our good byes and our Merci Beaucoups! M. Maillat and I went to the student housing dorm/apartment I will be staying in. Part of the place is currently under construction (but "should" be completed by the time school starts). It offers a magnificent view of the Lake and of the city, while on the other side of the building are trees/mountains. I can only hope that I'm on one of the top floors... we'll see come September 1st :)

I feel like I got a lot accomplished today. I'm so glad I was able to meet with a few Rotarians- I feel much more acquainted with my future home thanks to them.

ps. I'd like to give a shout out to Liz who's about to have her District Interview for a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship! I wish you the best of luck! Being nervous is normal- just be yourself and remember to have a great conversation :D You got this!!!

1 comment:

Matt Place said...

WoW! your trip sounds amazing and it was only for half a day! Imagine LIVING there!!! I can't wait to see pictures!

So... I have this suitcase full of money... mind if I use your Swiss Bank Account to ummmm.... clean it for me? But really that is awesome I've always wanted to be able to say that I had a Swiss Bank Account.

That chocolate sounds unbelievable. You are so lucky! What will it take to get you to send me some? huh? huh?